Train New Techs

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If your senior techs are tired of training your new techs… this is for you.

If your staff doesn’t have the time, motivation or know-how to teach a new tech... this can cost you time and money.

Your senior techs may get mad because training takes time away from doing their job… or they have to spend more time at the shop getting things done.

When a new tech isn’t taught the right way, he could make mistakes out in the field. This can lower (or take out all) your profit margin on a job.

If this is the case, he’s not as valuable an asset to your business as he could be.

Or if a mistake leads to an accident, it could injure the new guy, another employee, or maybe one of your customers.

That’s a workman’s comp claim which could raise your insurance rates – and cost you more money.

But it doesn’t have to be like this scenario I’ve painted.
Now there’s a way you can outsource your new hire training, and your senior techs can focus on doing their job.

You can train a new hire the right way… the first time… in just 30 days.

It’s found in our Special Report:
The 5 Simple Steps to Find, Hire and Train Top Technicians in 30 Days or Less.

Just click the button below, and you can outsource your new hire training and keep your senior techs happy.

Get The Free Special Report Below


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